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Columbia Gorge Community College

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Real Estate Broker License Exam Prep


with Sondra McFeters

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 10, 2025 at 6 pm
Prepare for the Oregon Real Estate Broker License Exam in just 10 weeks. This course combines weekly interactive Zoom sessions with online home study to meet the Oregon Real Estate Agency (OREA) requirement. You must complete a total of 150 hours of study between weekly Zoom classes and online studies (Saturday session does not count toward 150 hour total). Plan to spend 10-15 hours each week completing the online home study in addition to attending Thursday evening classes. The course is approved by the OREA. For more information, call Stacey at 503-551-4467 or Students need: 1. reliable internet access, 2. laptop or desktop computer, 3. webcam and microphone for Zoom 4. ability to scan and send pdfs to instructor after each final exam Regular class runs every Thursday from 4/10 to 6/12 from 6pm to 9pm. With one Saturday class on June 14, 2025, 6pm-9pm.

BLS for Healthcare Providers CPR Course - The Dalles


with Sebastian Garcia

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 12, 2025 at 9 am
1 additional session on Jun 21, 2025

Covers the knowledge and skills for Basic Life Support (BLS) for healthcare providers, initial and renewal certification. Prepares a wide variety of healthcare professionals to recognize sudden cardiac arrest, respiratory emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED and relieve choking in both children and adults. Successful completion of this course provides certification and an AHA BLS Provider Card. The American Heart Association (AHA) requires all students to have a current copy of the course textbook to have it available for personal use. This book will be provided to you in class. *The American Heart Association (AHA) strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in Basic Life Support (BLS), and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA, and any fees charged for such a course do not represent income to the Association.

NRA Pistol Safety Course


with Kevin MacIntyre

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 15, 2025 at 6 pm
The NRA Basics of Pistol Safety Course covers pistol safety, handling and responsible firearm ownership for beginners and intermediates. • Classroom and indoor range are located in the basement of the Mid Columbia Senior Center, 1112 W 9th St, The Dalles, OR. • Students will be required to certify to their legal eligibility and sign a Firearm Release Form. • Students are responsible for acquiring their own ammunition, and will be instructed on how to complete this assignment. • Must attend all four sessions to complete the course. Emergency situations considered. Successful participants will receive a certificate of completion, which is required to apply for an Oregon Concealed Handgun License. No discounts or waivers.

Property Manager License Exam Prep


with David Stribling

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 15, 2025 at 6 pm
Prepare for the Oregon Property Manager License Exam in just 7 weeks. This course combines weekly interactive Zoom sessions with online home study to meet the Oregon Real Estate Agency (OREA) requirement. You must complete a total of 60 hours of study between weekly Zoom classes and online studies. Plan to spend 4-6 hours each week completing the online home study in addition to attending Tuesday evening classes. The course is approved by the OREA. For more information, call Stacey at (503)551-4467 or Students should have: reliable internet access, laptop or desktop computer, webcam and microphone for Zoom, ability to scan and send pdf’s to instructor after the final exam

Mi Estrés está Mandando mis Decisiones: Examine Cómo el Estrés Crónico Afecta al Cuerpo Física, Mental/Cognitivamente, Emocional y Conductualmente


with Karen Ramirez

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 18, 2025 at 6 pm

En esta sesión, los participantes explorarán los muchos factores que son estresantes para diferentes personas y cómo combatir la fatiga laboral y los niveles de estrés en el cuerpo y cómo afectan nuestras decisiones y resolución de problemas. Nivel Dos en PPLD. Ningun Contenido de Edad.

Educacion para compradores de vivienda


with Salvador Cruz Torres

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 19, 2025 at 9 am
Taller para compradores de vivienda. Esta clase está diseñada para ayudar a los compradores de vivienda por primera vez a aprender los conceptos básicos sobre el proceso de compra de vivienda. Aprenda la jerga y salga mejor preparado para completar con éxito el proceso de compra de una casa. El curso cubre: decisiones de vivienda, preparación financiera, compra de una casa, hipotecas, evitar el fraude en los préstamos, hipotecas, cierre y mantenimiento de su inversión. Se proporciona aperitivos y becas disponibles. Para obtener información sobre las becas disponibles, comuníquese con Columbia Cascade Housing Corp. al (541) 296-3397. La matrícula cubre hasta dos participantes. Sírvase proporcionar información de registro para ambos. Sin descuentos ni exenciones universitarias.

Cradling Literacy: Emergent Literacy in Two Languages


with Kathleen Walker-Henderson

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 22, 2025 at 6 pm

Reflect on beliefs about second language, review research on the benefits of home language retention, and gain an overview of the developmental stages of second language. Explore strategies to foster young children's second-language acquisition. Home language provides the foundation for second-language acquisition, supports essential connections to family and culture and should be maintained. Set Two in FCS. Infant/ Toddler.

Apoyando a Niños y Familias Que han Experimentado Trauma


with Sara Ashou

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 23, 2025 at 6 pm

Este curso examinará los efectos del trauma en los niños y las familias y su impacto en programas de cuidado infantil. Vamos a explorar maneras de apoyar a las familias en crisis. Las técnicas de apoyo a niños y proveedores serán examinadas incluyendo maneras de implementar y mantener un programa inclusivo. Nivel Dos en FCS/SN. Infantes/ Ninos Pequenos, Presscolar, Edad Escolar.

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