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Child Care Partners
That Was Fun, What's Next? Applying Theories of Neurodevelopment & Responsive Caregiving to Build Meaningful Curriculum for Young Children
with Kelley Lawson
How do we build a meaningful curriculum for young children? In this class, we will look at ways to recognize children's interests and use this information to build strong, developmentally appropriate curriculum for all learners. Set Two in HGD/ LEC. Infant/ Toddler.
Alfabetización a Través de Canciones, Rimas y Lecturas en Voz Alta para Bebés y Niños Pequeños
with Elda Perez
En esta sesión, aprenderemos y practicaremos actividades divertidas y prácticas, canciones, rimas, juegos con los dedos, lecturas en voz alta y más para agregar a su bolsa de trucos para mantener a los niños aprendiendo y comprometidos mientras desarrollan habilidades de alfabetización. Nivel Dos en LEC. Infantes/ Ninos Pequenos.
Introduction to Registered Family Child Care- Part Two
with Massie
STOP- Please note: There are two parts to the Introduction to Registered Family Child Care (IRF). You can register for Part 2 after you have completed the IRF Part One online class located at
This must be completed first! The Introduction to Registered Family Child Care Part Two is the required in-person training you must attend after completing the online IRF Part One to become a provider. This free class provides you with a rule book, resources to help you be successful in your new business, information about the role of Child Care Resource & Referral, what quality child care looks like and much more. You must pre-register. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Entornos Inclusión en la Primera Infancia: Creación de un Entorno de Aprendizaje Inclusivo para Niños Pequeños
with Jose Hernandez
Esta capacitación se enfocará en desarrollar su conocimiento actual sobre la inclusión y mejorar los apoyos y materiales necesarios para crear un entorno inclusivo que fomente el crecimiento, el desarrollo y la conciencia culturalmente receptiva para crear un programa que beneficie a todos los niños en un entorno inclusivo. Nivel Dos en SN. Preescolar.
Intro to Circle of Security
with Nathan Winegardner
This training will introduce to you the basics of the Circle of Security parenting training course. We will discuss the importance of attachments in relationships, how to recognize behaviors that cause you to be less attached, and how to repair ruptures in your relationships. This introduction will help you think about the relationships you have with the children in your care and your own children. Set One in UGB. Infant/ Toddler, Preschool.
Separe las Finanzas de su Centro de Cuidado Infantil Familiar de sus Finanzas
with Staff
Aprenda las herramientas básicas para separar las finanzas personales y empresariales. Aprenda a utilizar sistemas informáticos y de archivos para organizar documentos financieros. Desarrolle un presupuesto empresarial. Nivel Uno en PM. Ningun Contenido de Edad.
Let's Get Active: Getting Children Excited About Moving
with Tonia Snook
This training is all about getting children active and healthy. Come and join me as we walk, run and slide our way through over 40 different activities you can do with preschool children to keep them healthy and strong. Set Two in HSN. Preschool.
Potato, Patato: I'm Not Sure What You Said is What I Heard
with Massie
Have you ever wondered why your communication efforts work well with one individual and not another? Communication may appear simple but it is complex and knowing the various components of effective communication is the key to a respectful, trusting, supportive and collaborative relationship with your families in which you create a win-win situation for all. In this session, learn how to communicate more effectively with your families. Set One in FCS. Infant/ Toddler, Preschool, School Age.