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Child Care Partners
Usar Evaluaciones y Exámenes de Detección de Manera Efectiva Para Satisfacer las Necesidades de Todos los Niños
with Elda Perez
Recopilar información anecdótica a través de observaciones auténticas puede ser confuso. En este seminario web, analizaremos lo que se debe recopilar, varias formas de recopilar la información y lo que se debe incluir en el registro anecdótico y discutir cómo ayudar a los niños a progresar hacia la preparación escolar. También discutiremos y planificamos cómo compartir eficazmente los datos de las evaluaciones con las familias. Nivel Dos en OA.
Introduction to Spark
with Massie
The Introduction to Spark is designed to help you understand Spark. Participants will gain the knowledge and tools needed to participate in Spark. The training objectives are: understand the purpose of a QRIS and the Spark partners, understand the supports and incentives for programs, understand the documents and process for participating in Spark, awareness of the Quality Improvement Plan, understand the portfolio submission and review process, and identify next steps. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Separating Your Family Child Care Finances from Your Personal Finances
with Staff
Learn basic tools to separate business and personal finances. Learn to utilize computer and file systems to organize financial documents. Develop a business budget. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Integrating Healthy, Culturally Sensitive, and Allergen Aware Nutrition into you Preschool Setting
with Judith Murillo Tuesta
This training helps early childhood providers integrate healthy and nutritious foods into their facilities to enhance the health and wellbeing of their students. Topics to include choosing healthy snacks, accommodating food allergies, and adapting menus to being culturally sensitive (halal, kosher, etc.) to the dietary needs of their students. Set Two in HSN. Preschool.
Introduction to Registered Family Child Care- Part Two
with Massie
STOP- Please note: There are two parts to the Introduction to Registered Family Child Care (IRF). You can register for Part 2 after you have completed the IRF Part One online class located at
This must be completed first! The Introduction to Registered Family Child Care Part Two is the required in-person training you must attend after completing the online IRF Part One to become a provider. This free class provides you with a rule book, resources to help you be successful in your new business, information about the role of Child Care Resource & Referral, what quality child care looks like and much more. You must pre-register. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Developing Marketing Plan for Your Family Child Care Business (FCC)
with Staff
Learn basic marketing principles and concepts. Complete an environmental scan. Identify features and benefits of a child care program. Analyze child care competitors. Identify strategies to build an effective message. Define target market to secure future enrollment. Learn how to use marketing principles to secure community partnerships. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Using Systems Theories to Understand Family Dynamics and Promote Positive Family Outcomes
with Aoife Magee
Participants will be examine leading theoretical models related to family dynamics and relationship health. An exploration of the risk and protective factors that can impact family climate will be addressed along with ways to mitigate the potential for negative effects on young children. Participants will also examine the traits of healthy families and how to use positive strategies to promote resilience in families challenged by stress factors. Set Two in FCS. No Age Related Content.
Desprenderse de las Pantallas: Cómo el Alejamiento de las Pantallas Desempeña un Papel Fundamental en Promover Opciones Saludables y Crea Conciencia de Seguridad en los Niños
with Bertha Camacho
Los Participantes, identificar prácticas seguras y saludables para los niños, familias y profesionales. Comprender el valor de la buena salud para la formación y el desarrollo físico, cognitivo, emocional y social de los niños. Nivel Uno en HSN. Infantes/ Ninos Pequenos, Preescolar, Edad Escolar.