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in Child Care Partners
Let's Get Active: Getting Children Excited About Moving
with Tonia Snook

This training is all about getting children active and healthy. Come and join me as we walk, run and slide our way through over 40 different activities you can do with preschool children to keep them healthy and strong. Set Two in HSN. Preschool.
Potato, Patato: I'm Not Sure What You Said is What I Heard
with Massie

Have you ever wondered why your communication efforts work well with one individual and not another? Communication may appear simple but it is complex and knowing the various components of effective communication is the key to a respectful, trusting, supportive and collaborative relationship with your families in which you create a win-win situation for all. In this session, learn how to communicate more effectively with your families. Set One in FCS. Infant/ Toddler, Preschool, School Age.
Early Literacy & Dual Language Learners: A Training Series/ Alfabetización Temprana y Aprendices de Dios Idiomas: Serie de Entrenamientos
with Staff

During this six-session training series, educators will learn about working with young dual-language learners and their families. This series will cover topices on, promoting home language and literacy development, strategies to connect with culturally and linguistically diverse families, supporting school readiness for dual-language learners, and much more! These are Set Two trainings in various CKCs. Instruction will be given in English and Spanish, with interpretation. Register even if you are only interested in attending 1 or some sessions. Attendance is NOT required for all 6 sessions, but it is encouraged.
Durante esta serie de entrenamientos de 6 sesiones, los educadores aprenden cómo trabajar con aprendices de dos idiomas y sus familias. Esta serie cubrirá temas sobre la promoción del idioma materno y el desarrollo de la alfabetización, estrategias para conectarte con familias de manera cultural y lingüísticamente diversas, apoyando la preparación para la escolar para los aprendices de dos idiomas, ¡y mucho más! Estos son entrenamientos de Nivel Dos en varios temas de conocimiento (CKCs). La instrucción se dará en inglés y español, con interpretación. Regístrese incluso si sólo está interesado en asistir a solo una de las sesiones o algunas. No se requiere asistencia a las 6 sesiones, pero sí se recomienda.
Adults Must Feel Safe to Learn
with Kiki Omoto

Would you like to create learning spaces that feel more meaningful and engaging? Join us to learn about the importance of providing a safe learning environment for adult learners. In this session, participants will engage in reflection and discussion about the what, why, and how of providing safety in the adult learning experience. Set Two in PPLD. No Age Related Content.
Growth Mindset: A Framework for Optimal Child Development
with Megan Barella

How does a growth mindset apply to children's socio-emotional, cognitive and secure attachment development in early childhood? Apply the latest brain science on mindset and motivation to help children master developmental milestones, develop their gifts and abilities, create a positive mental mode, and build secure attachment. With peer support, develop a plan to bring the growth mindset research alive in your classroom to transform developmental challenges, optimize children's brains for lifelong learning and help students develop trust in themselves and their teachers. Set Two in HGD. Preschool, School Age.
Introduction to Spark
with Massie

The Introduction to Spark is designed to help you understand Spark. Participants will gain the knowledge and tools needed to participate in Spark. The training objectives are: understand the purpose of a QRIS and the Spark partners, understand the supports and incentives for programs, understand the documents and process for participating in Spark, awareness of the Quality Improvement Plan, understand the portfolio submission and review process, and identify next steps. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Separating Your Family Child Care Finances from Your Personal Finances
with Staff
Learn basic tools to separate business and personal finances. Learn to utilize computer and file systems to organize financial documents. Develop a business budget. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Integrating Healthy, Culturally Sensitive, and Allergen Aware Nutrition into you Preschool Setting
with Judith Murillo Tuesta

This training helps early childhood providers integrate healthy and nutritious foods into their facilities to enhance the health and wellbeing of their students. Topics to include choosing healthy snacks, accommodating food allergies, and adapting menus to being culturally sensitive (halal, kosher, etc.) to the dietary needs of their students. Set Two in HSN. Preschool.