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in Child Care Partners
Module 1: Strengthening Business Practices- Budget, Projections and Planning Family Child Care
with Sandra Meados

The purpose of this training is to strengthen child care providers' foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts and practices. It encourages providers to realize the importance of fiscal planning to the sustainability of their business operations. It provides tips and best practices to help break down fiscal processes into manageable steps. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Module II: Strengthening Business Practices- Strengthening Fiscal Management for Child Care Programs: Financial Reports and Internal Controls for Center Based Child Care Providers
with Sandra Meados

This training provides foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts and practices. Providers will be encouraged to realize the importance of fiscal planning to the sustainability of their business. It provides tips and best practices to help break down fiscal processes into manageable steps. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Module III: Strengthening Business Practices- Marketing Your Program for Center Based Providers
with Sandra Meados

Child care providers will gain understanding of marketing tools, audiences, and elements necessary to develop a marketing plan. Providers will be encouraged to tailor marketing practices to the audience they are trying to reach and to develop effective communication strategies to promote their services. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Shining the Light on the Art & Science of Caring Practices in Early Childhood Education
with Aoife Magee

Participants in this workshop will examine the core value of responsive care and related care practices with young children using the seven lamps of care. Ways to apply health promoting care practices to the daily routines of meals and snacks, sleep and rest, toilet teaching and learning, and self-care will be illuminated. Set Two in HSN. Infant/ Toddler, Preschool.
Module IV: Strengthening Business Practices- Recruiting and Retaining Staff for Center-Based Child Care Providers
with Sandra Meados

In this training participants will gain understanding of staff recruitment tools, organizational staff support systems, and elements necessary to support retention of talented staff. Set One in PM. No Age Related Content.
Leadership: Don't Manage LEAD 1-3 hour version
with Joyce McCoy

Participants will scrutinize the attributes of good leaders and how that applies in childcare settings. Participants will also inspect some of the leadership skills required of childcare management staff. Set Two in PPLD. No Age Related Content.
Transforming Circle Time: Activities and Strategies that Promote Learning in a Fun and Engaging Way
with Tonia Snook

Join me as we explore exciting tips and strategies to make circle time or large group fun and engaging for your toddlers and preschoolers. Set One in LEC. Infant/ Toddler, Preschool.
Team-Centered Approach for Difficult Behavior in the Classroom
with Amy Williams

Participants explore and create a process to review the current strengths and challenges of individual children with special needs in the classroom. Alongside colleagues with diverse perspectives, examine how to create a team-centered approach that supports every child's success. Set Two in OA/UGB. No Age Related Content.